Departmental Mission & Vision



To produce globally competitive Ayurveda practitioners


1)Feasible treatment for public.

2) Quality research in the field of Kayachiktsa,

3) to become centre of excellence in training Kayachiktsa


Shalyatantra Department


1) To give knowledge of ancient principles of shalya tantra in regard to surgical and para-surgical concept of diseases and their treatment.

2) To impart strict discipline and management of operation theatre and live demonstration of surgical procedures to our students.


1) To make the department of shalya tantra up to mark to fulfill the teaching and training requirement to student of final year of BAMS course.

2) To run a full-fledged hospital with the Ayurvedic surgery and orthopedic specialities.

3) To provide the basic medical and health facility to local villagers in and arround parassinikadavu. .


Panchakarma Department


1)To impart quality practical and theoretical education in the field of ayurveda.
2) To provide evidence based scientific Panchakarma therapy in clinical practice


1) To develop the awareness of Panchakarma among the public in maintaining health and curing diseases

Dravyaguna Department

  1. The subject and syllabus deals in detail with the basic principles of saptapadarthas; as well as in gross;the drugs of plant,animal and innanimate origin;as per Ayurveda & its benefit to Humankind.


  1. The department aims to collect the vast knowledge, compile them and pass on to the upcoming generations in a mode to fill the gap between the modern research tools and ancient ayurvedic knowledge. We aim to collect as many specimens in wet, dry, live forms and preserve them for future academics.
  2. The tools of modern pharmacology, pharmacology & therapeutics are paralleled to authenticate the scattered informations for a vivid purview.
    We forsee to update research woks to prove/strengthen our textual informations using modern bio-technology and bio informatics.

Prasuti tantra and stree roga Department


1) To impart the core Ayurvedic concepts with regard to Garbha samskara and Garbhini paricharya to provide Sreshta Praja
2) To convey and promote the principles of Soothika paricharya and its practical applicability
3) To provide practical knowledge of Sthanika chikitsa with regard to Stree roga


1)To develop clinical skill to diagnose and manage Antenatal, Intranatal and Postnatal cases
2)Practical implication of Sthanika chikitsa in management of Stree roga

Agada Tantra Department

  1. To evolve as a Centre of Excellence for Academics, Research and Clinical Services
  2.  Research in Traditional Agada tantra practise especially in the region of Kerala
  3. To identify the unique herbal and mineral drugs that are clinically useful in the field of Agada tantra
  4. To give hand on training in classical and traditional ayurveda agada tantra practise
  5. To explore the traditional manuscripts of Keraleeya visha vaidya chikitsa
  6. To document the traditional folklore agada practise
  7. To publish the renowned classical as well as traditional textbooks and manuscripts


  1. To establish Ayurveda Agada tantra as a clinical subject
  2. To develop Agada tantra department into a centre where traditional Visha vaidya Chikitsa could be explored and validated scientifically.
  3. To educate and inspire students to follow ethical medical practice and to give adequate exposure to face the medicolegal challenges successfully

Swasthavritta Department


a. Practical approach of swasthavritta with respect to Aarogya lakshana clinically and its assessment practically.
b. Classical food preparation (krutannavarga) with practical demonstration.
c.Understanding of yoga therapy in different disease with IP and OP management.


a. Literary sources on Ayurvedic dietetics.
b. Showcasing diet charts
c. Yoga camps and workshops in school level and community level


1. Improving living standard in cooperation with ICDS and ASHA workers for public health.
2. Steps for prevention of communicable and non communicable disease in public level sectors.

Roganidana Department

  1. Our Dept aims at providing the medical students in comprehensive knowledge of ayurvedic etiology, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms and investigations as well as diagnostic principles at a clinical and laboratory level apart from the theoretical classes.
  2. This department also intends to facilitate the patients with precise haematological serological, radiological ,biochemical and microbiological diagnostic tests to enable them in identifying their disease and opting for apt treatment.
  1. Our department enables effective diagnostic test for prevention and cure of disease.
  2. Our department enables the budding ayurveda doctor with acquisition of knowledge in ayurvedic diagnosis along with modern methods of investigation and diagnosis
  3. It also promotes continued medical education among the faculties.

Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana Department

  1. Well being of human beings through safe and authentic medicines
  1. To prepare safe and authentic Bhaishajya (herbal) and Rasa ( mineral) preparations.
  2. To give proper knowledge about the fundamental principles and applications of the subject to the students.
  3. To conduct various dissertation works in the department of PG studies to improve the knowledge of the subject and also for the benefit of general public.

 Kriya sareera Department

  1. To provide deep insights into the study of human body and human life.
  2. The department aims at imparting quality education to the seekers of Ayurveda in order to produce good physicians and researchers.
  1. To provide in depth knowledge about the fundamentals of shareera or human body to the students of Ayurveda.
  2. To develop innovative teaching methods and resources.
  3. To nurture the thinking of students to utilize the concepts of shareera kriya in curative and preventive aspects of Ayurveda .

Rachana Shareeram Department

  1. To impart a knowledge on normal and applied aspects of Human Body
  1. Understanding the concepts of Shareera
  2. To train the students to gain the anatomical knowledge through theory & cadaver dissection and its application in clinical practice
  3. To develop a well organised anatomy museum
  4. To promote research & to gain knowledge about recent advances in the field of Anatomy

Samhita and siddhanta Department

  1. To uphold the Basic Principles of Ayurveda in order to propagate health and wellbeing worldwide.
  2. To Systematize Ayurvedic knowledge to suit international standards
  1. To motivate the scholars and empower them to Learn, Understand & validate, Practice and Preach Ayurveda.
  2. To propagate Ayurveda through Fundamental research in its basic concepts.
  3. To provide the knowledge of basic concepts of philosophy with their applied aspects in Ayurveda.
  4. Scientific exploration of ancient classical texts
  5. Ayurveda classical text based teaching, formulating Ayurveda herbal combination and making sure about it’s clinical Application.

Kaumarabhritya Department

  1. Promotion, restoration,and maintenance of the health and wellbeing of children
  2. Building all rounded specialist of Ayurveda by integrating education, research and innovation in this field
  1. To promote the simple herbal medicine for the healthy growth and development of children
  2. To promote preventive measures like svarna prasha for improvement of child immunity and prevent malnutrition
  3. Conduct more research in the field of Genetic disorders and infectious disorders
  4. Conduct more programs to prevent child abuse
  5. Can conduct more research works in order to prevent behavioural disorders and congenital heart disease
  6. Can conduct training programs and special education for Autistic and other behavioural disorders of children

Shalakya Tantra Department

  1. Brain is a wise performer only with wise sense organs.
  1. Quality health care service in relation to head and sense organs
  2. Holistic and soothening atmosphere for our patients.